名称 果蝇行为监测系统 Drosophila Activity Monitor system 半岛bd体育手机客户端
果蝇行为监测系统 Drosophila Activity Monitor (DAM) system能让广大的生物科学家的监测果蝇和类似大小的昆虫在运动和羽化方面的行为规律,此系统已被应用于突变异种、环境监测和对化学药品的敏感性,也可用来展示群居生活中相互间的作用。 果蝇被单独放置在玻璃瓶皿中,通过红外光束来探测和计算它们的运动行为,在一定的周期内,这些累计的行为数据将从监视器上传到计算机中存储和分析. *运动监视器:用32个内径为 5mm,7mm或者10mm的管子,分别监测32个果蝇样本的行为规律。一个红外光束穿过把管子分成两半,当果蝇在管子中来回走动,它们将切割红外光,这些运动数据则被记录下来。 *羽化监视器:将成熟的果蝇虫卵粘贴在一个朔料圆盘底下,用一个内径100mm的玻璃漏斗来收集虫卵孵化出来的果蝇。一个红外监测环安装在漏斗下方的颈口处,用来监测计算每一个通过的果蝇,一个摇晃的机械装置可以定期的摇晃朔料圆盘,使得孵化出来的果蝇能够完全从圆盘掉落到玻璃漏斗中。 *群聚监视器:用一个内径25mm的玻璃或者朔料小瓶子,装入多个果蝇,根据瓶子的长度放置几个红外监测环,记录果蝇运动总数。 *环境监测器:测量培养器皿内的光的强度,温度和相关的湿度 *电源:提供一个直流电源用于整个系统,通过一个电 话线网络一样的平行接口,这个电源可以提供给多达120个监视器同时使用 *记录软件:提供一个存储档案从一个或多个监视器同时记录行为数据。一个实验可连续记录数小时、数天甚至是几个星期。 The Drosophila Activity Monitoring System enables a biologist to accurately characterize the locomotor and eclosion behavior rhythms in drosophila fruit flies and similarly-sized insects. The system has been used to screen for mutants, measure environmental and chemical sensitivities, and characterize social interaction, all based on the patterns of physical movement which the system observes and quantifies over time. The individual flies are placed into glass chambers, where their confined motion may be detected and counted by infrared light beams in one or more activity monitoring units. At periodic intervals, these accumulated activity counts are uploaded from the monitors to a host Macintosh or Windows computer for storage and analysis. The Locomotor Monitor uses 32 tubes of 5, 7, or 10 mm diameter, and measures the activity rhythms of 32 individual flies. An infrared beam bisects each tube, and detects motion as the flies walk back and forth from end to end. The Eclosion Monitor uses a 100 mm dia. glass funnel to collect emerging flies as they fall from their pupae cases on the underside of a plastic disk. An infrared ring detector at the funnel neck counts each as it passes by, and a mechanical tapper dislodges periodically those which remain adhered to the disk or funnel walls. The Population Monitor uses a 25 mm dia. glass or plastic vial to contain a multiplicity of flies, and measures their aggregate movement with ring detectors spaced along the vial length. The Environment Monitor measures the light intensity, temperature, and relative humidity within an incubator chamber, and provides a continuous archival record of these conditions over the duration of an experiment. The Power Supply Unit supplies DC power to an entire system of up to 120 monitors using a parallel network of residence-type telephone cables. An optional Light Controller allows up to 6 incubator lights to be independently cycled on and off under computer control. The DAMSystem Collection Software provides archival storage of the collected activity data from a number of monitors simultaneously, and allows for continuous operation over the hours, days, or weeks of an experimental run. 半岛bd体育手机客户端 介绍 DAM5M果蝇活动监视器可同时测量32只果蝇的自发活动,可用于果蝇食物(food)、气味(odor)、方向(orientation)、灯光(light)等位置偏爱(position preference)实验,每个试管直径为5mm,当果蝇来回飞行时,只要中断试管1/4红外光束,就将有一个记录信号,每个试管有4个独立的红外光束,不但可以记录遗漏的数,而且红外到红外的移动杜绝了原地计数,还可记录在每个红外光束的停留时间(dwell time),内置安全的试管固定夹,易于移动和操作,全开放设计,试管灯光均匀渗透,无阴影。 特点 32个试管用于32只果蝇 直径5mm试管用于黑腹果蝇(drosophila Melanogaster) 每个试管有4个独立的红外光束 生成计数(Counts)、移动(Moves)、停留时间(Dwell)、休息(Rest)和每个果蝇的位置数据 内置管夹用于快速加载和安全处理试管 可折叠紧凑的存储和转运试管 操作一致的明暗灯光 精密的管道布局 电源,连接线和数据采集软件 兼容DAM2,LAM25,DEnM和本公司其他监控单元 半岛bd体育手机客户端 规格 试管直径:5mm 试管长度:65mm或较大的 尺寸: 33.0 x 8.3 x 2.6 cm 质量:0.26 kg (不含试管) 相邻红外间距:9.1mm 连接: 4 wire, 6 position, RJ-11电话线接头 9 v直流电源输入和数据传输 数据采集软件:DAMSystem3,操作平台:Windows PC 或 Apple Macintosh 数据类型:移动(Moves)、计数(Counts)、停留时间(Dwell)、位置(Position),、休息(Rest) 数据文件格式:42列 DAMSystem文本 The Drosophila Activity Monitor measures the activity rhythms of 32 individual flies, each in its own glass tube. In a typical experiment, a food mixture is placed into one end of the empty tube, and sealed on the outside with a wax coating. The fly is then inserted into the tube, followed by a cotton plug or ventilated plastic cap on the other end. The tube is snapped into the plastic clips of the monitor case, and if the tube is horizontal, an active fly will walk back and forth from one end to the other. Each time that it does so, it breaks an infrared light beam which bisects the tube, perpendicular to its axis. This event is detected by the onboard electronics, and added to the count which is maintained for each channel. At periodic intervals, ranging from 1 second to 1 hour, the DAMSystem software in the host computer acquires from the monitor its set of 32 count totals, and saves them. This archival record of the activity of each fly over the duration of the experiment may be plotted or analyzed, and used, for example, to measure the period and phase of the internal circadian clock of each of the 32 flies. Such measurements have been instrumental to the scientific study of fly behavior, and its genetic basis - the circadian clock being the cornerstone. Specifications • Dimensions: 13.50 x 6.82 x 1.03” (343 x 173 x 26 mm) • Mass: 1.2 kg • Glass Tubes: Corning Pyrex standard wall tubing, according to model: DAM 5 = 5 mm diameter DAM10 = 10 mm diameter • Maximum Tube Length: 3.00” (76 mm) • Interconnect: 4 wire, 6 position, RJ-11 modular telephone line jack to DAMSystem network for DC power input and data transmission • Case material: PVC/ABS plastic Features •32 independent activity channels per monitor. •Up to 120 monitors per system provide over 3000 simultaneous monitoring channels. •Models available for various tube diameters: DAM 5 5 mm tube (for D. melanogaster) DAM10 10 mm tube •Built-in clips hold tubes in place during handling. •Recessed tube mounts allow monitors to be safely stacked with tubes installed. •Telephone-type wiring jack allows easy connection to DAMSystem wiring network. •Consistent operation in ambient light levels from bright laboratory to total darkness. •Field-proven design over years of continuous use. •Optional accessories: Pyrex Glass Tubes 5 mm dia x 65 mm length 10 mm dia x 70 mm length The DAM2 Drosophila Activity Monitor measures the locomotor activity of 32 individual flies, each in a separate tube. As a fly walks back and forth within its tube, it interrupts an infrared beam that crosses the tube at its midpoint, and this interruption, detected by the onboard electronics, is added to the tube’s activity count as a measure of fly activity. In a typical experiment, an agar/sucrose food mixture is placed into one end of each tube, followed by the fly, and followed by a cotton plug in the open end. The 32 tubes are inserted into holes in the monitor case, and centered. Over the course of the experiment, which may last for days or weeks, the counting circuits continuously monitor the activity in all 32 tubes, and at periodic intervals, upload their count totals to the host computer for storage and later analysis. This daily record provides a good measure of both the intensity of locomotor activity, and the relative periods of rest. The DAM2 is fabricated from a transparent polycarbonate plastic, allowing light penetration to all points along the tube. It is compact, light in weight, and when used within an incubator, allows plentiful air circulation around the tubes. The through-hole design accommodates tubes of arbitrary length. An on/off visible light sensor is built into each unit to provide a simple record of the ambient light state over time. This record accompanies the activity count data as it is acquired and stored, and is useful in analyzing circadian rhythms and adaptations of the flies to external light stimuli. An optional gas distribution manifold is available to facilitate the controlled exchange of air within the tubes, as would be needed for hypoxia studies. Features •32 independent activity channels per monitor. •Up to 120 monitors per system provide over 3000 simultaneous monitoring channels. •Compact design allows efficient use of incubator shelf space. •Standard 5mm tube size (model DAM2) for studies of drosophila melanogaster. •7mm tube size (model DAM2-7) accommodates d. virilis and larger species. •Ambient light sensor provides on/off record of entrainment cycles and stimulation pulses, as well as inadvertent light exposure. •Consistent operation in ambient light levels from bright laboratory to total darkness. •Optional gas distribution manifold allows controlled air exchange within the tubes. •Available tubes (diameter x length): PGT5x65 = 5 x 65 mm Pyrex Glass PGT7x65 = 7 x 65 mm Pyrex Glass PPT5x65 = 5 x 65 mm Polycarbonate Plastic Plastic caps are available to seal the food in place of the traditional hot wax dip. Specifications •Dimensions: 127 x 48 x 87 mm LWH (5.0 x 1.9 x 3.4”) •Mass: 170g •Tube diameter: DAM 2 = 5 mm DAM 2-7 = 7 mm •Ambient Light Sensor threshold: 10 lux nominal, phoic response curve •Interconnect: 4 wire, 6 position, RJ-11 modular telephone line jack to DAMSystem network for DC power input and data transmission •Case material: Clear polycarbonate plastic 用户评论 半岛bd体育手机客户端
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