microflex™ 系列
microflex LT
microflex LRF
利用所配备无网格反射器,microflex LRF出众的分辨率、卓越的质量精度和显著的灵敏度,是市场上同类半岛游戏平台官网入口网址
microflex LT系统
这款物美价廉的台式MALDI-TOF质谱仪是为常规蛋白质、小分子化合物以及临床分析而设计的。无网格离子源设计确保高灵敏度。通过集成的Compass 软件包,即使是初学者,也可以很直观地、方便地操作半岛游戏平台官网入口网址
。线性模式的microflex LT 不仅坚固耐用而且操作简单,主要用于临床和生命科学实验室。
microflex LRF系统
microflex LRF是基于布鲁克·道尔顿公司长期积累的经验而打造的高性能质谱仪。独特的microScout离子源设计和无网格反射管赋予microflex 杰出的分辨率、优异的质量准确度和出色的灵敏度。
microflex LRF 不仅在性能方面,还在坚固耐用和易用方面代表了台式MALDI半岛游戏平台官网入口网址
Technical Specifications
MALDI source
• microScout Ion Source with state-of-the-art pulsed ion extraction
• Target area exactly ¹⁄4 of industry standard microtiter plates
• Various 96-spot target types available for specific applications
• Compatible with Bruker Daltonics' sample preparation robotics
• Nitrogen laser with variable repetition rate
• Patented AnchorChip MALDI target technology for fast automation, increased sequence coverage and 10–100 fold sensitivity increase over stainless steel target holder
Compass software suite
• flexControlTM module for quick and easy instrument control
• Fuzzy-logic based AutoXecuteTM engine for on-the-fly optimization of spectral quality
• flexAnalysisTM module for automated and interactive data analysis, including integration with bioinformatics tools such as MALDI Biotyper, BioToolsTM, ProteinScapeTM, ClinProToolsTM, GenoToolsTM, and search engines
• Optional Compass Security Pack for work in regulated environments (21CFR part 11 compliance)
TOF analyzer
• High resolution reflectron configuration (microflex) or linear only version (microflex LT)
• Optional MS/MS capability with autoPSD (automated post-source decay) including pre-cursor ion selection device (microflex only)
• Modular design allows for future upgrades
• No maintenance oil-free vacuum technology
• WhisperModeTM erases noise pollution in the lab
Service features
• Remote on-line service capability
• Extended self diagnostics
• Supplementary IQ/OQ/PV procedures available
• microflex is integrated with Bruker Daltonics system solutions such as MALDI Biotyper, CLINPROTmicro and GENOLINK
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.