MultiMode 8 with glovebox for research requiring demanding environmental control. |
? 最高分辨率成像和定量的材料性能成像。
? 提供多模块强大功能的MultiMode
? 世界上发表论文最多的AFM
? 由创新的峰值力模式实现
MultiMode8系统卓越的性能源于其紧凑坚固的机械设计与先进的低噪音SPM控制电路。SPM系统性能的优劣很大程度取决于样品与探针之间的机械路径长度,路径越短受声学和振动噪音的影响越小,同时受到热漂移的影响也越小。另外SPM各功能部件组装稳定性也会影响半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 性能。对半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 细节的考量和技术的不断革新,提升了 Multimode系列半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 性能。SPM控制器是保证系统高性能的另一个关键因素,第五代NanoScope V控制器具有先进的数字架构:高数据带宽,低噪声数据采集和无与伦比的数据处理能力,布鲁克采用最先进技术, ScanAsyst模式 & PeakForce QNM模式,帮助研究者在各研究领域取得更多研究成果。
ScanAsyst自动成像软件,适用于大气和溶液各种扫描条件. ScanAsyst采用智能计算方法,连续监控图像质量,根据反馈做出适当的参数调整,系统自动化而完成这一系列工作,为用户提供更快捷优异的测量结果,也大大降低了对操作者的技术要求。全新推出ScanAsyst-HR, 可以在MultiMode8上实现快速扫描模式。与传统的AFM相比,在其速度提高6倍时仍不损失图像分辨率,获得超高分辨的AFM图像。PeakForceQNM, Bruker独有的纳米尺度机械性能的定量测量,提供更加准确的材料弹性模量和粘附性的测量结果,同时也有利于保持样品和针尖的完整性。
MultiMode?是世界上最受欢迎的扫描探针显微镜,得到客户的高度认可,迄今为止数以万计的MultiMode?扫描探针显微镜已经在全球成功安装使用。其世界××的超高分辨率,完备的半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 性能,以及得到充分验证的数据可靠性,奠定了其在AFM领域的领导地位。
?Bruker专利的新型成像模式PeakForce? QNM?,可以对材料纳米尺度的力学性质进行定量检测,在正常的扫描速率下获得高分辨率的材料粘附力和弹性模量图像。与传统的相位成像和某些厂家的多频技术不同的是,使用Peakforce? QNM?模式可获得精确、定量的实验数据。
?PeakForce TUNA?模块,能够定量测量样品的导电特性,这是传统的导电模式所不能实现的。
?全新推出ScanAsyst-HR, 可以在MultiMode8上实现快速扫描模式。与传统的AFM相比,在其速度提高6倍时仍不损失图像分辨率,获得超高分辨的AFM图像。最快扫描速度,可比传统的AFM提高20倍。
?Bruker独创的Peak Force Tapping? 技术,精确控制针尖与样品的作用力,可远低于TappingMode?所需要的力。
?大气或者溶液环境中,MultiMode 8都能够完成样品检测,以其超高分辨率和卓越完备的功能,被广泛应用于物理、化学、材料、电子以及生命科学等各个领域。
?在MultiMode 8上可选配温度调节和环境控制附件。加热到250°C,冷却至-35°C,或在水蒸气和氧气含量小于1ppm的手套箱中,都可以实现敏感样品的检测和成像。
Configuration Options |
SPM Controller Heads (select one) |
Standard– supports all modes except application modules; Application module ready– supports optional application modules; Non-magnetic application module ready– supports use in magnetic fields |
Scanners (select at least one) |
AS-0.5 scanner– 0.4μm x 0.4μm XY and 0.4μm Z range; AS-12 scanner– 10μm x 10μm XY and 2.5μm Z range (non-vertical engage); AS-12VLR scanner– 10μm x 10μm XY and 2.5μm Z range (vertical engage), features improved liquid resistance and 4-year warranty against liquid damage; AS-130VLR scanner– 125μm x 125μm XY and 5μm Z range (vertical engage), features improved liquid resistance and 4-year warranty against liquid damage; AS-12NM scanner– 10μm x 10μm XY and 2.5μm Z range (non-vertical engage), features non-magnetic construction for use in magnetic fields; AS-130NM scanner– 125μm x 125μm XY and 5μm Z range (non-vertical engage), features non-magnetic construction for use in magnetic fields; PicoForce scanner– 40μm x 40μm XY and 20μm Z range, features large, closed-loop Z range for force spectroscopy applications; MMAFMXYZ– 100μm x 10μm XY and 15μm Z range, closed-loop operation in XY and Z, not recommended for imaging in liquids |
Standard Accessories |
Included with all MultiMode 8 system configurations: –OMV, Optical microscope with 10X objective for viewing tip, sample, and laser, (video output is displayed within NanoScope software); –Probe holderfor most imaging applications in air, includes tip bias connection; –Probe holderfor torsional resonance mode (TRmode); –MFM starter kitwith probes and training samples; –Calibration gratingfor scanner calibration; –Selection of common probe types |
Optional Accessories |
Optionally available with all MultiMode 8 system configurations: –Probe holderfor most imaging applications in liquids; –ScanAsyst-HR probe holderto enable high-speed ScanAsyst imaging in air; –PeakForce QNM technologyfor quantitative mapping of material properties; –Sample heaterwith ambient to 60°C range (compatible with all scanners above); –Sample heater-coolerwith -35 to 250°C range (includes integrated scanner with 125μm x 125μm XY and 5μm Z range); –Environmental controlhood for imaging in inert gases or under controlled humidity; –STM head, standard and ultra-low current versions; –Universal bipotentiostatfor electrochemistry applications (ECAFM and ECSTM); –PeakForce TUNA application module; –Conductive AFM (CAFM) application module; –Tunneling AFM (TUNA) application module; –Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM) application module; –Scanning Capacitance Microscope (SCM) application module; –Nanoindentationwith diamond indenter probe; –Force modulation probe holderfor force modulation imaging in air; –Signal Access Modulefor input/output access to analog control and data signals |
Vibration Isolation* (select one or customersupplied equivalent) |
VT-102, air table, 24in. square x 31in. tall (requires compressed air); VT-50, passive isolation platform, 16.75in. square x 8.5in. tall (no air required); TRVI, tripod with elastic cord isolated platform (OMV cannot be placed on platform); *Please request a copy of the facility requirements from your local sales manager |
System Specifications |
Imaging Noise Level |
<0.3? RMS (Z noise using TappingMode in air at zero scan size) |
Maximum Sample Size |
15mm diameter x 5mm thick |
Regulatory Certification |
CE compliant |
Laser Classification |
Class 2M, 1mW maximum at 690nm (IEC and US CDRH) |
Note: Configuration options and system specifications are subject to change without notice.