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Grace Bio-Labs ONCYTE?AVIDTMnitrocellulose film slides

半岛bd体育手机客户端 编号: 3092326
规格: 2 (Pads), film L × W 32 mm × 15 mm
包装规格: 20 EA
半岛bd体育手机客户端 类别: 半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 耗材
优惠价: 立即咨询
半岛bd体育手机客户端 价格
半岛bd体育手机客户端 编号 包装单位 单价(元) 国内现货 国外库存 询价单
3092326 20 EA 8380

Grace Bio-Labs ONCYTE?AVIDTMnitrocellulose film slides

protein microarrays

nitrocellulose slides

半岛bd体育手机客户端 性质
glass slide (plain)
2 (Pads)
Grace Bio-Labs 305102
film L × W【薄膜长度 × 宽度】
32 mm × 15 mm
binding type
high binding surface
General description【一般描述】
ONCYTE Porous nitrocellulose film slides are comprised of a microporous nitrocellulose film cast on a variety of solid surfaces. They offer numerous advantages over functionalized surface chemistries:

Increased available surface which translates into high protein binding capacity.
Fluorescence Signal Amplification via the Tyndall effect that increases the signal intensity providing enhanced sensitivity.
Broad dynamic range and low detection limit ONCYTE film slides are manufactured to the highest standards and quality tested, they provide excellent reliability and reproducible.
RPPA- reverse phase protein microarrays
Laser microdissection- RRPA
Antigen-capture assay
Antibody capture assay
Biomarker Discovery and Validation
Serological Assay
Immunogen Discovery
Legal Information【法律信息】
AVID is a trademark of Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
Oncyte is a registered trademark of Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
广州伟伯科技有限公司 版权所有 CopyRight ?2006-2024, All Rights Reserved
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