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Corning?ProCulture?spinner flask accessories

半岛bd体育手机客户端 编号: 3072204
规格: side arm fitting, Combination with triple 1/8 inlets for 8 L spinner flask, Gas and Media Handling Fitting with Triple 1/8 in. Inlets (2 long, 1 short tube) for 8L Angled Sidearm
包装规格: 1 EA
半岛bd体育手机客户端 类别: 半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 耗材
优惠价: 立即咨询
半岛bd体育手机客户端 价格
半岛bd体育手机客户端 编号 包装单位 单价(元) 国内现货 国外库存 询价单
3072204 1 EA 4430
General description【一般描述】
Side arm fittings used for a variety of functions in angled sidearm Spinner Flasks during cell culture. Sidearm fittings provide a convenient way of transferring media into or out of flasks aseptically. They can also be used to sparge the cell culture medium with gases to enhance cell production. Fittings comprise of a PET insert with a Viton O-ring and a polypropylene sealing cap & 316 stainless steel tubes.
Dual tubes extend to the bottom of the flask, and are held in place by Noryl nuts with integrated ferrules.
Combination tubes has two different length tubes, one extends to the bottom of the flask; the other is a shorter 6′ length. Both tubes are held in place by Noryl nuts with integrated ferrules.
Legal Information【法律信息】
Corning is a registered trademark of Corning, Inc.
ProCulture is a registered trademark of SP Industries
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