半岛bd体育手机客户端 性质
TwisterTMSpray Chamber
Aldrich?矩形 TLC 展开水槽,仅有盖, Aldrich?rectangular TLC developing tanks, lid only
Atto 594
Ceramic Outer Tube and Optic Fibre
Ethyl N-(5-nitro-2-methylthiophene)-3-aminomethylpyrrolidine-1-carboxylate
Flash chromatography assembly with standard ball joints
Glass Transfer Tube (links 808-0540 to spray chamber with ball joint) + JC-13 Clip
Inland silverside (Menidia beryllina), 7-day Chronic, daily renewal, SSW
Michel-Miller column coupling to end fittings
连接 Michel-Miller 色谱柱与末端配件的接头