Technical Notes:
1.Novel mono-phosphine Buchwald ligand that supports a catalyst of improved stability. The GPhos-derived catalyst exhibits improved performance for room temperature c N cross coupling reactions between a
broad scope of primary amines and aryl halides.1 The ligand is designed to promote C-N cross coupling across a wide range of substrate classes with low catalyst loadings. It shows an improved relative rate of productive catalysis versus catalyst deactivation compared to previous catalysts. TheGPhos-supported catalyst exhibits better reactivity than previous catalysts both under ambient conditions and at elevated temperatures. Its use allows for the coupling of a variety of primary amine and aniline nucleophiles, including (1) unhindered, (2) five-membered-ring N-heterocycle -containing, and (3) a-tertiary primary amines, each of which previously required a different catalyst to achieve optimal results. The GPhos-supported
catalyst is also well suited for coupling electron-deficient anilines as well as N-heterocycle containing aryl halides andamines.
1. J Am Chem Soc. 2020 142 35 15027 15037