半岛bd体育手机客户端 说明
DRI-GAUZE is a trademark of IBI ScientificTunair is a trademark of IBI Scientific
半岛bd体育手机客户端 性质
Nichipet glass tip for Eco pipette
Quickfit?three-neck round-bottom flasks with angled necks
Stainless steel drying trays
Threaded vial connector
Volac?Pasteur pipette
Flash Point Standard-Cleveland Open Cup
EZ-Fit?Manifold o-ring kit
OptiScale 囊式过滤器 Polygard -CN 1.2 μm 3/4 in.TC-1/4 in.HB, Optiscale?Capsule Filter Polygard?CN
High Density Lipoprotein, human
Opticap 无菌 XL 3 Millipore Express SHC 0.5/0.2 μm 1-1/2 in.TC-1 in.HB, Opticap?XL3 Millipore Express?SHC