Titanium Etchant TFTN,Intended for etching Ti films deposited on glass or SiO2 substrates. TFTN does not contain hydrofluoric acid.
Titanium Etchant TFT designed for etching evaporated films commonly employed as bonding and
barrier layers in microelectronics. Excellent resolution, photo resist
compatibility, and minimal undercutting are readily achieved.
性质 | TFT | TFTN |
外观 | 澄清水溶液 | 澄清水溶液 |
PH | 1 | 1 |
闪点 | 不可燃 | 不可燃 |
贮存 | 室温 | 室温 |
有效期 | 1年 | 1年 |
毒性 | 强酸 | 强酸 |
蚀刻容器 | 聚乙烯/聚丙烯 | 聚乙烯/聚丙烯 |
温度 | 20~50℃ | 70~85℃ |
蚀刻速率 | 25 Å/秒,20℃ | 10 Å/秒,70℃ |
50 Å/秒,30℃ | 50 Å/秒,80℃ |
冲洗 | 水 | 水 |
*匹配光刻胶 | 正性和负性 | 正性和负性 |
金属 | —— | 除Al以外的大多数金属 |
How do I increase the etch rate? | 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature. |
2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation. |
How do I reduce the etch rate? | Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%. |
Do I need to dilute the etchant? | No, it is ready to use. |
How do I reduce undercutting? | Increase the rate of stirring or agitation. |
Appearance | Clear, colorless |
pH | Strongly acidic |
Etch Rate at 70°C | 10 Å/sec. |
85°C | 50 Å/sec. |
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) | 65 g/gallon |
Shelf Life | 1 year |
Storage Conditions | Ambient |
Filtration | 0.2 um |
Recommended Operating Temperatures | 20-80oC (30-40oC most common) |
Rinse | Deionized water |
Photoresist Recommendations | KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI |
Select Compatible Materials | Au, SiO2, nitride |
Select Incompatible Materials | Cu, Al |
Compatible Plastics | HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC |
Country of Origin | USA |
Availability | 1-2 days |
Packaging | HDPE |
Isotropy | Isotropic |
Incompatible Chemicals | Strong bases |