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碳,箔, C, 7.8mm厚
碳,箔, C, 7.8mm厚图片
品牌: Goodfellow
纯度含量: 99.95%
产地: 英国

半岛bd体育手机客户端 介绍

Carbon foils are stocked in five basic forms: Pyrolitic graphite - a strongly anisotropic, high density, high purity material manufactured by Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD). It is non porous and self lubricating, lightweight and shows excellent thermal shock resistance. It can be easily machined with normal metalworking tools.
Flexible graphite - an exfoliated material which is mechanically bonded to form thin, flexible sheet. It is commonly used as a gasket material for corrosive or high temperature service (up to 600C in air, 2500C in an inert atmosphere). Rigid graphite sheet? - a rigid form of graphite. The exceptional corrosion resistance and high temperature properties of graphite make this material suitable for applications as diverse as heat exchanger blocks for chemical process plant and arc furnace electrodes used in steel manufacture. Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite (HOPG) - a highly oriented form of high purity pyrolitic graphite which diffracts x-rays and neutrons with greater efficiency than any other material. Vitreous or Glassy Carbon - is available under a separate heading. This material has high flexural strength with zero open porosity and, hence, a low permeability to gases. Glassy carbon has excellent resistance to a wide range of aggressive chemical environments and can, therefore, be used as an alternative material to precious metals for laboratory equipment and, for example, for electrodes in polarography.

Very limited stock available.

The surface has not been cleaned and contains blemishes and scratches.

订货号 包装规格
672-975-51 52mm x 78mm

半岛bd体育手机客户端 参数

Grade[等级] Rigid Graphite
Grain Size[粒度] Fine
Purity[纯度] 99.95%
Thickness[厚度] 7.8mm
Typical Analysis(典型分析)
Al 5 PPM
Ba 1 PPM
Ca 50 PPM
Co <5 PPM
Cr <5 PPM
Cu <5 PPM
Fe 5 PPM
Ni 50 PPM
Si <5 PPM
Ti 30 PPM
V 100 PPM
Zr <20 PPM
Thermal Properties(热性能)
Coefficient of thermal expansion ( x10?? K?? ) 0.600 - 4.300 @0-100℃
Melting point ( C ) 3650.00
Specific heat ( J K?? kg?? ) 712.0 @25℃
Thermal conductivity ( W m?? K?? ) 80.00 - 240.00 @0-100℃
Mechanical Properties(机械性能)
Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Diamond ) 542.0
Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Graphite ) 33.0
Hardness - Mohs ( Diamond ) 10.00
Hardness - Mohs ( Graphite ) 0.50 - 1.00
Material condition Diamond
Material condition Graphite
Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Graphite ) 4.80
Atomic Properties(原子属性)
Atomic number 6
Atomic weight ( amu ) 12.01100
Crystal structure Hexagonal/Diamond
Electronic structure He2s?2p?
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 6 / 490
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 4 / 64.5
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 1 / 11.26
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 3 / 47.9
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 2 / 24.38
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 5 / 392
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 12 / 98.89
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 13 / 1.11
Photo-electric work function ( eV ) 4.80
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section ( Barns ) 0.0034
Valences shown 2 , 3, 4
Physical Properties(物理性质)
Boiling point ( C ) 5000
Density ( g cm?? ) 2.250 @20℃
Electrical Properties(电气特性)
Electrical resistivity ( μOhmcm ) 1375@0℃
Thermal emf against Pt (cold 0C - hot 100C) ( mV ) 0.70



长度 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
直径 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
厚度 <0.01mm ±25%
≤0.05mm ±15%
>0.05mm ±10%
长度 1 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
长度 2 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
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