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testo 635-2温湿度仪
testo 635-2温湿度仪图片
货号: 0563 6352
品牌: 德图(testo)
产地: 德国
半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 类型: 温湿度计

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testo 635-2温湿度计适用于测量各种材料,表面以及环境中的温度及湿度。德图精密测量技术以及大范围可供选择的传感器及探头实现了这个可能性。

本款半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 需要连接探头方能使用。

半岛bd体育手机客户端 描述:

testo 635-2温湿度计极其适用于空调系统的检测。多种可供选择的传感器和探头可帮助您测量以下各种参数:









·绝对压力半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 主机可同时连接2个探头。测量结果即时显示于清晰易读的显示屏上。


除了可测量多种参数以外,testo 635-2温湿度计还可显示最大/最小值、平均值以及计算室内空气以及墙面间的露点差。您可以通过这些数据来分析天花板和墙面的潮湿度。个性化配置的特性曲线,确保材料含湿量准确可靠的显示。

半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 本身以及操作界面使用起来都简单及舒适。带背光灯的显示器确保您在照明不足的情况下依然能轻松读取数据,坚固的外壳有效的保护半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 受到外部撞击。


半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 可创建测量地址,并将该测量地址所测得的数据统一储存于该地址文件下。可创建用户个性化测量程序或菜单来实施长期测量或材料含湿量测量。半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 内存可存储高达10,000个测量数据,单次测量或程序测量。通过标配的USB数据线可将您的温湿度计连接至电脑,PC软件帮助您简单舒适的进行数据分析、管理以及归档工作。


半岛bd体育手机客户端 包含

testo 635-2温湿度计,含专业分析软件和USB数据线,带电池和出厂报告。请注意:半岛游戏平台官网入口网址 至少应配置一个探头或传感器(标准主机配置中不包括)才能正常工作。


测量范围 -40 ~ +150 ℃
测量精度 ±0.2 ℃ (-25 ~ +74.9 ℃)±0.4 ℃ (-40 ~ -25.1 ℃)±0.4 ℃ (+75 ~ +99.9 ℃)±0.5 %测量值 (其余量程)
分辨率 0.1 ℃
Type K (NiCr-Ni)
测量范围 -200 ~ +1370 ℃
测量精度 ±0.3 ℃ (-60 ~ +60 ℃)±(0.2 ℃+ 0.5 %测量值) (其余量程)
分辨率 0.1 ℃
湿度测量范围 0 ~ +100 %RH
测量精度 依探头而定
分辨率 0.1 %RH
测量范围 0 ~ 2000 hPa
测量精度 依探头而定
分辨率 0.1 hPa
重量 428 g
直径 220 x 74 x 46 mm
操作温度 -20 ~ +50 ℃
外壳 ABS / TPE / 金属
电池类型 碱锰电池
电池寿命 200小时
存放温度 -30 ~ +70 ℃




Testo 635-2很适合测量天花板和墙壁内的水分含量。它可以选用相连的温度/水分探头或者表面温度探头。testo 635可以自动计算露点距离。它可以初步说明霉菌是冷凝导致的,还是因为建筑结构损坏或绝热层出现问题而侵入的。

Measuring material moisture

Monitoring the moisture in construction materials and different timber is an important part of everyday work in the most diverse areas. For many users, measuring the material moisture as quickly and as non-destructively as possible is crucial.

Whether it is used to assess the screed drying process, further processing, or the combustibility of wood, our testo 635-2 hygrometer can be used to examine the moisture content in many different construction materials and types of wood.

Monitoring drying processes

Whether freshly laid screed, or monitored drying of moisture damage, timely determination of the required moisture level will save time and therefore money.

Screeds are laid in the in interior works stage, generally after plastering. The flooring and painting and decorating then follow. The drying behaviour is therefore a significant factor in the works schedule, primarily because the laying of flooring depends on this.

The moisture measurement establishes readiness for flooring; liability for the flooring is thus transferred to the respective trade installing the flooring. An important part of this work is therefore documentation and assurance in the testing for readiness for flooring.

What is the extent of moisture damage and what consequences can be expected in terms of time and costs? These questions have to be answered in order to decide which auxiliary tools and materials are to be used to speed up the drying process.

The t 635-2 and attachment scatter field probe can be used to measure the moisture in the construction material.

Using a thin moisture probe combined with the testo 635-2 the moisture of construction materials can be determined by means of an equilibrium moisture measurement. To do this, the probe has to be inserted in a borehole in the material being measured and sealed. The relevant material characteristic can be manually entered into the device or via software. After several hours, equilibrium with the material has taken place and the testo 635-2 displays the material moisture.

Monitoring production and storage conditions

Our temperature/humidity measuring instruments are used around the world in production, storage and server rooms, museums, archives, cold storage warehouses, containers and sales counters.

Manufacturers, carriers, or dealers of sensitive products must ensure that specified temperature or humidity values are observed during production and storage. The testo 635 offers the option of performing spot measurements in relevant places.

The temperature/humidity measuring instrument testo 635-2 offers the user a wide range of humidity/moisture probes. It provides the option of measuring humidity, material moisture and U-value (for the thermal assessment of structural components). In addition to the standard probes, up to three radio probes can be connected to the device in parallel. Measurement results can be analysed, stored and documented using the supplied PC software.

U-value measurement in old buildings

When redeveloping or renovating old buildings, it is crucial to be able to determine quickly if heat is being lost through the windows and walls. Only then can energy costs be reduced and redevelopment measures carried out efficiently.

When assessing thermal transmission, e.g. in old buildings in need of renovation, the U-value is one of the most important values. It enables thermal assessment and monitoring of the installed material.

3 temperature values are required for calculating the U-value:

·Outside temperature

·Surface temperature of the internal wall

·Indoor air temperature

A radio probe is needed to determine the U-value; this is placed in position outside. It transmits the readings to the measuring instrument inside. To measure the surface temperature the three wires of the U-value probe are attached to the wall with plasticine. The air temperature is recorded by a sensor located on the probe plug. The measuring instrument testo 635-2 automatically calculates the U-value from the three values and shows this on the display. The advantage: there is no need for manual calculation; the result is quick and accurate.

Measuring wood moisture quickly and non-destructively

The testo 635-2 uses the optional attachment scatter field probe (item no.: 0636 6160) to quickly and non-destructively examine the material moisture in timber. Characteristic curves are available for measuring wood moisture in soft and hard woods, and chipboard. These characteristic curves were developed in cooperation with the LPI institute.

The measurement results are calculated up to a depth of 5 cm and can be recorded at the touch of a button. The readings are displayed in percent by weight in comparison to the dry mass of the material.

Measurement data can be stored and documented using PC software.

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