介绍 目录号 Serial | SCSP-568 | 标识符 Identifier | CSTR:19375.09.3101HUMSCSP568 | 描述 Description | 据报道,该细胞系倍增时间约40小时,在软琼脂中的集落形成效率约19%。该细胞系对天冬酰胺酶敏感。每个批次均通过本库支原体检测,结果为阴性。经本库STR检测100%无误,STR结果如下:D5S818: 12,13;D13S317: 12,13;D7S820: 12,13;D16S539: 10,13;vWA: 15;THO1: 9,10;Amelogenin: X;TPOX: 9;CSF1PO: 10 | 动物种别 Organism | 人;白人 | 性别 Gender | 男,65岁 | 组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type | 胰腺 | 形态 Morphology | 上皮样贴壁细胞,伴有圆形漂浮细胞 | 培养基和添加剂 Complete Growth Medium and Culture Conditions | 人胰腺癌细胞 MIA PaCa-2 完全培养液 配方(100 ml): DMEM (Invitrogen, 12430-054)86.5 ml FBS (Gibco) 10 ml horse serum,Heat-Inactivated (GIBCO, 26050-070) 2.5 ml Sodium Pyruvate 100 mM Solution(invitrogen 11360070) 1 ml 参考传代周期:约每周2次 参考传代比例:1:2-1:3 参考换液频率:每周2-3次 冻存液配方:完全培养液95%,DMSO 5% 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。温度:37摄氏度。 【注意】:该细胞贴壁较慢,传代或复苏48小时后方可贴壁完全。该细胞正常情况下为贴壁细胞与圆形漂浮细胞同时存在。换液时需注意保留漂浮细胞,传代时需将贴壁细胞和漂浮细胞一同收集后再传代。 | 供应限制 Permits and Restrictions | A。仅供研究之用。 | REFERENCE | Wu M, et al. Purification and characterization of a plasminogen activator secreted by cultured human pancreatic carcinoma cells. Biochemistry 16: 1908-1913, 1977. PubMed: 15590Fountzilas G, et al. Comparative effects of selected drug combinations on the growth of a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line (MIA PaCa-2). J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 76: 37-43, 1986. PubMed:3455740Robertson JF, et al. Effect of gastrointestinal hormones and synthetic analogues on the growth of pancreatic cancer. Int. J. Cancer 63: 69-75, 1995. PubMed: 7558455Yunis AA, et al. Human pancreatic carcinoma (MIA PaCa-2) in continuous culture: sensitivity to asparaginase. Int. J. Cancer 19: 128-135, 1977. PubMed: 832918 |
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