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金牌会员第 2
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材料 >> 金属材料
玻璃态碳, 3000C,泡沫, C, 3.2mm厚
玻璃态碳, 3000C,泡沫, C, 3.2mm厚图片
品牌: Goodfellow
产地: 英国
品牌: Goodfellow
产地: 英国
半岛bd体育手机客户端 介绍

Vitreous Carbon Foam has an open pore structure and extremely high porosity, giving a high surface area and low resistance to fluid flow. It is chemically inert in non-oxidising environments over a wide temperature range, maintains strength at high temperatures and is thermally insulating yet electrically conducting. Applications include use as porous electrodes, thermal insulation, filtration, substrate support and acoustic control.

Please enquire for other foams having different thicknesses, porosities and sizes.

订货号 包装规格
398-733-69 150mm x 150mm

半岛bd体育手机客户端 参数

Bulk Density[容积密度] 0.05g.cm??
Pores/cm[孔隙/厘米] 24
Porosity[孔隙度] 96.5%
Thickness[厚度] 3.2mm
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