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金牌会员第 2
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半岛bd体育手机客户端 搜索
材料 >> 金属材料
锡,箔, Sn, 0.025mm厚
锡,箔, Sn, 0.025mm厚图片
品牌: Goodfellow
纯度含量: 99.75%
产地: 英国
品牌: Goodfellow
纯度含量: 99.75%
产地: 英国
半岛bd体育手机客户端 介绍

Very limited stock available.

订货号 包装规格
012-240-87 25mm x 25mm
000-614-45 50mm x 50mm
157-338-52 50mm x 50mm
391-812-59 100mm x 100mm

半岛bd体育手机客户端 参数

Purity[纯度] 99.75%
Thickness[厚度] 0.025mm
Typical Analysis(典型分析)
Ag 3 PPM
Al 25 PPM
Au 50 PPM
Bi 10 PPM
Ca 150 PPM
Cd 1 PPM
Cr 400 PPM
Cu 800 PPM
Fe 400 PPM
Ga 2 PPM
In 3 PPM
K 200 PPM
Mg 7 PPM
Mn 30 PPM
Mo 50 PPM
Na 50 PPM
Ni 20 PPM
Pb 50 PPM
Sb 50 PPM
Si 60 PPM
Zn 20 PPM
Atomic Properties(原子属性)
Atomic number 50
Atomic weight ( amu ) 118.69000
Crystal structure Tetragonal
Electronic structure Kr4d??5s?5p?
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 2 / 14.63
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 5 / 72.3
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 3 / 30.5
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 4 / 40.7
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 1 / 7.34
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 122 / 4.6
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 124 / 5.6
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 114 / 0.7
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 120 / 32.4
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 118 / 24.3
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 112 / 1.0
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 116 / 14.7
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 115 / 0.4
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 117 / 7.7
Natural isotope distribution ( Mass No./% ) 119 / 8.6
Photo-electric work function ( eV ) 4.30
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section ( Barns ) 0.6300
Valences shown 2 ,4
Mechanical Properties(机械性能)
Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Polycrystalline ) 58.2
Hardness - Mohs ( Polycrystalline ) 1.50 - 1.80
Material condition Polycrystalline
Poisson's ratio ( Polycrystalline ) 0.357
Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Polycrystalline ) 49.90
Electrical Properties(电气特性)
Electrical resistivity ( μOhmcm ) 12.6@20℃
Superconductivity critical temperature ( K ) 3.7220
Temperature coefficient ( K?? ) 0.00460 @0-100℃
Thermal emf against Pt (cold 0C - hot 100C) ( mV ) 0.42
Physical Properties(物理性质)
Boiling point ( C ) 2270
Density ( g cm?? ) 7.280 @20℃
Thermal Properties(热性能)
Coefficient of thermal expansion ( x10?? K?? ) 23.500 @0-100℃
Latent heat of evaporation ( J g?? ) 2497
Latent heat of fusion ( J g?? ) 59.60
Melting point ( C ) 231.90
Specific heat ( J K?? kg?? ) 213.0 @25℃
Thermal conductivity ( W m?? K?? ) 66.80 @0-100℃



长度 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
直径 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
厚度 <0.01mm ±25%
≤0.05mm ±15%
>0.05mm ±10%
长度 1 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
长度 2 <100mm ±1mm
≥100mm +2% / -1%
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