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金牌会员第 2
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半岛bd体育手机客户端 搜索
材料 >> 金属材料
金,线, Au, 0.5mm 直径, Hard Temper, 4N
金,线, Au, 0.5mm 直径, Hard Temper, 4N图片
品牌: Goodfellow
纯度含量: 99.99%
产地: 英国
品牌: Goodfellow
纯度含量: 99.99%
产地: 英国
半岛bd体育手机客户端 介绍
订货号 包装规格
Length (Round)
110-366-13 0.025m
099-706-12 0.05m
275-326-05 0.075m
405-247-02 0.1m
655-880-46 0.2m
208-214-68 0.3m
222-157-92 0.4m
985-061-54 0.5m
364-805-23 0.15m
861-563-38 0.75m
881-062-24 1.5m
132-691-02 1m
586-376-27 2m
335-737-91 3m
238-129-85 4m
763-407-51 5m
373-306-44 7.5m
517-954-41 10m

半岛bd体育手机客户端 参数

Diameter[直径] 0.5mm
High Purity[纯度] 99.99%
Length[长度] 0.025m - 10m
Temper[状态] Hard
Typical Analysis(典型分析)
Ag 3 PPM
Ca <1 PPM
Cd <1 PPM
Cu 1 PPM
Fe <1 PPM
Mg <1 PPM
Pd 1 PPM
Si 1 PPM
Mechanical Properties(机械性能)
Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Hard ) 171.0
Bulk modulus ( GPa ) ( Soft ) 171.0
Hardness - Vickers ( kgf mm?? ) ( Hard ) 60
Hardness - Vickers ( kgf mm?? ) ( Soft ) 20 - 30
Material condition Soft
Material condition Hard
Poisson's ratio ( Hard ) 0.420
Poisson's ratio ( Soft ) 0.420
Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Hard ) 78.50
Tensile modulus ( GPa ) ( Soft ) 78.50
Tensile strength ( MPa ) ( Hard ) 220.00
Tensile strength ( MPa ) ( Soft ) 130.00
Yield strength ( MPa ) ( Hard ) 205.0
Atomic Properties(原子属性)
Atomic number 79
Atomic weight ( amu ) 196.96650
Crystal structure Face Centred Cubic
Electronic structure Xe4f??5d??6s?
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 1 / 9.22
Ionisation potential ( No./eV ) 2 / 20.5
Photo-electric work function ( eV ) 4.80
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section ( Barns ) 98.8000
Valences shown 1 ,3
Thermal Properties(热性能)
Coefficient of thermal expansion ( x10?? K?? ) 14.100 @0-100℃
Latent heat of evaporation ( J g?? ) 1738
Latent heat of fusion ( J g?? ) 64.90
Melting point ( C ) 1064.40
Specific heat ( J K?? kg?? ) 129.0 @25℃
Thermal conductivity ( W m?? K?? ) 318.00 @0-100℃
Electrical Properties(电气特性)
Electrical resistivity ( μOhmcm ) 2.2@20℃
Temperature coefficient ( K?? ) 0.00400 @0-100℃
Thermal emf against Pt (cold 0C - hot 100C) ( mV ) 0.74
Physical Properties(物理性质)
Boiling point ( C ) 3080
Density ( g cm?? ) 19.300 @20℃



直径 ±10%
长度 +5% / -1%
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