Corning?ProCulture?spinner flask accessories
Corning?ROTAFLO stopcock, 10 mm, Corning?7470
Corning?StripettorTMUltra Pipet Controller Accessories
Corning?[TM = "LSE"] Digital Vortexer Platform For Four Microplates
Corning?trap, 250 mL, 24/40 joint, Corning?4000
Corning?tube, 40x600, Corning?38450
Replacement clamps for use with Corning?LSETMOrbital Shakers and Corning?LSETMLow Speed Orbital Shakers
Corning?ProCulture?glass spinner flask only, baffled, vertical sidearms
Corning?bottle, complete, 125 EC, Corning?31760
Corning?connecting tube only, Corning?3340